Consolidated Bell Mountain Ranch MD
Consolidated Bell Mountain Ranch MD
The Consolidated Bell Mountain Ranch Metropolitan District is a Colorado Special District. The Metropolitan District owns all infrastructure in Bell Mountain Ranch including roads, bridges, park land, open space, trails, paths, right of way, etc. and is responsible for the maintenance of the infrastructure. In connection with the development of Bell Mountain Ranch, the Metropolitan District issued bonds and other indebtedness to help finance the construction. The District Board recently refinanced the debt at a significantly lower interest rate with a bank loan. The governing body of the District is it's volunteer Board of Directors, Bell Mountain Owners, who are elected by the taxpayers of Bell Mountain.

The Metro District owns all infrastructure in Bell Mountain Ranch (roads, bridges, water resources, park land, open space, trails, paths, right of way etc.) and is responsible for the maintenance of this infrastructure (including snow removal and weed control). Bell Mountain Ranch contains 17.8 miles of 20 foot wide roads with 34 intersections. Maximum safety and traffic flow are the most important considerations used to determine the priority of work. In this effort the Consolidated BMR Metropolitan District has established guidelines and priorities.
Fire Mitigation Project
Snow Plowing Guidelines and Priorities:
Snow removal and sanding will begin at approximately 2 inches of snow and/or when roads are icy. The priority for snow removal is as follows:
A. Bell Mountain Parkway
B. The loop consisting of Bell Mountain Drive & Glade Gulch Road
C. The thru roads - Old Gate, Serenade, High Spring, Mariposa, Young Circle, Medallion & Upper Glade Gulch
D. At approximately 4 inches, the cul-de-sacs are plowed to the end and then back to the start with one pass going by the mail boxes for postal access. An exception is made for those cul-de-sacs that have their mail boxes in a "bump-out". Here, an additional pass will be made to provide access to those mail boxes. When there is a significant snowfall, the cul-de-sacs may see additional plowing similar to the main roads.
All drivers are urged to use caution and common sense when the roads are snow covered or icy. While the speed limit of 30 MPH on the ranch is adequate for dry roads, a safe speed will likely be much slower on the curves and hills when the roads are snow covered or icy.
The Bell Mountain Ranch Metropolitan District ("BMR") was dissolved in November 2022 when the ownership, maintenance and operation of the BMR water plant, water wells and distribution system was turned over to the Town of Castle Rock. These archives are maintained for historical purposes and for research of past events. View BMR Meeting Minutes here.